Submit Your 2013 Steeler Season Predictions
This site is serving only one purpose, and that is to provide a place for all of the PG+ experts to post their 2013 season predictions. [Edit: you don’t need to be a PG+ subscriber to post here. The only requirement is that you can’t be a douchebag.] [Edit 9/18/13: Now that PG is setting up a universal paywall, this site is serving a new purpose – a Steelers “sound off” chat forum that doesn’t cost $10/ month. Welcome one and all.]
The most accurate prognosticator will win the best prize of all: bragging rights. You can change your prediction at any time as new information becomes available, but the accuracy of later predictions has less weight than those of earlier predictions. Final winner will be chosen by the SteelSwami, whose identity is hidden from mortals. SteelSwami does not suffer appeals.
Only the prediction for the Steelers counts in this particular thread, but feel free to make other predictions, such as division standings, SB winner, player Most Likely to Sweed, etc.
Note: you can enter a bogus email address. It won’t be checked or published. But, use your PG+ name please. Also note, your first post will be moderated to weed out autospam.
Pre-draft prediction
Steelers 10-6
Browns 10-6
Bengals 9-7
Ravens 8-8
I pick 7-9 with most losses in the first half of the season
Division will be this
Bengals 10-6
Ravens 9-7
Steelers 7-9
Browns also 7-9
Pre-Draft Prediction
Steelers 10-6
Bengals 9-7
Ravens 9-7
Browns 6-10
Steelers – 11-5
Always an optimist and trust the FO will figure out the cap constraints and thin talent at key positions because they are with out a doubt The Premier NFL Team and the Only One with 6!
BTW I was a subscriber to PG+ years ago (think Millidgeville days), but got tired of the lack of premium content and EB sarcasm. So I still visit PG+ frequently just to read your posts, sometimes you guys have the best, well informed and with out a doubt most entertaining reading on the Steelers. I was tempted to sign up again when there was discussion on defending the Faith and working the conversion of Chico…but decided to pray instead!
Good idea
Bengals 11-5
Ravens 9-7
Browns 7-9
Steelers 6-10
I’m thinking of waiting for an actual schedule to come out before I try to find a way to rationalize my 15-1 prediction. I’ll be back on April 16th.
Pre Draft:
I think the oline not only stays healthy, but also plays well. Ben gets his best protection in years, which makes many other things go right. I think the running game will be adequate enough, quite a bit better than the last 3 years. I see Ben and Haley really getting it together, creativity blooms, and like I said Ben stays healthy.
I see the defense starting a little slow, but coming together. I’m on record as that I think worlids will answer the bell. 10+ sacks. Woodley will come in with a chip on his shoulder from a off season of not eating chips!! I see him in great shape and redeeming himself. Heyward will play more and turn out to be worth a 1st round pick. I like McClendon a lot too.
Safety is the biggest concern because of Troy. More change needs to come here, it is up in the air.
Corner looks good. Ike should be Ike and I believe Cortez could be team MVP. I think he will light it up and be our first ballhawk in a long time! Overall the turnovers come back for the defense so that changes everything. Another big season for Timmons too.
Oh and to find out that someone was thinking of re joining pg+ in hopes to convert my atheist a$$ to some theistic belief system… Priceless!!! Lol!
But to know that they talked to themselves just for me!!! Otherwise known as “praying” or to do nothing at all and think your helping….praying!! Seriously priceless!
Sorry I couldn’t resist. Ha!
Anyways this should be fun, good idea. I’ll do my draft picks later.
Now play nicely, boys. I love that both theist and atheist came up with the same optimistic figure of 11 – 5. Just goes to show that Steeler Nation transcends religion, race, and creed.
In the end, this is the only prediction that will matter because this is the one that will prove correct. I have spoken and my word is the truth.
Steelers 11-5
Bengals 9-7
Ravens 8-8
Browns 6-10
I like the potential of the OL with all the young 1st and 2nd round draft picks. However, depth is questionable and the recent past indicates we’ll need depth. Hopefully, Gilbert goes down first before he takes out our other players.
We do not have a legit #1 WR and average at best #2 and 3 WRs. TE is questionable due to Heath’s injury and age.
RB, I almost don’t care anymore because the offense is built around Ben who refuses to develop his game to stay healthy. Consequently, we’ll have to play 2-3 games without him and then he’ll return and be ineffective as he has the past two seasons.
Our DL is a big question. Hood is no better than the backups we had when A. Smith and Keisel were the starters. Keisel can’t play forever and Heyward hasn’t beat him out yet.
NT is a question mark because we don’t know how McClendon will be as the starter. Behind him is…….. not sure if T’amu is going to jail or can play. None of these guys are as good as Hoke IMO.
Worilds might be great, he might suck, who knows. Same with Woodley. Timmons and Foote are steady. Again, where’s the depth?
The secondary has no depth. Troy is not the Troy of old as he is old and often injured. Hoping Clark and Ike stay healthy and Cortez can play.
When I look at this team I see few if any proven quality players.
MT will make more stupid in-game decisions. Let’s hope LeBeau’s defense can keep games close or our offense can score points this season. Not holding my breath but hoping the draft yields some stars for the future as right now, the Steelers have no stars in the making.
The Bungholes? Really, Bill and Walsh? The Bungholes? Seriously?
They’ve had their little run of success and now, based upon their history, they’re due for 4 or 5 consecutive seasons of futility.
Steelers 10-6
Bengals 10-6
Ravens 8-8
A board full of predictions wouldn’t be complete without at least one real expert offering his take. I’ll go ahead and fill that vacuum for you guys.
Fact: the Steelers let Hampton, Harrison, K Lewis, Mendenhall, Colon, M Starks leave without replacements to back fill their spots. The fact that no teams have even hosted Harrison, Hampton or Starks proves nothing. Colon was their best lineman. Bruce Arians said so himself (after he checked with me). Willie Colon signing a one year, prove-it deal with the Jets, Mendenhall signing the same with Zona and Lewis signing a deal in NO that the Saints can walk away from after two years, also proves absolutely nothing. These were all outstanding talents who the Steelers offered no 2013 contract to because Kevin Colbert no longer has Dan Rooney, Bill Cowher, Ken Whis or the very underrated Bruce Arians looking over his shoulder. Colbert never was the brain trust behind the Super Bowl teams and deserves no credit. The other mean were far more involved than he ever was. Trust me; I am in a position to know.
Dick LeBeau is just the benefactor of really good assistant coaches. His track record of dominant defense proves nothing other than the fact that he has been very lucky to work with good coaches who could do a lot with the suspect talent that Colbert brought in.
The Steelers will also lose E Sanders and the very, very underrated Doug “Bronco” Legursky. Legursky should have been a starter last year over the wasted draft pick DeCastro. The fact that no one has hosted Legursky only proves that NFL talent evaluators are blind. Bruce Arians would have him in a second if he needed a center/guard. He doesn’t. Sanders is better than Wallace. He showed it when he was promoted to start over Wallace last season. And without Wallace being there to stretch the opposing defense, the other receivers won’t be able to get open, the running game won’t function and Ben will get killed by defenses that are licking their chops at going against the Steelers suspect offensive line.
The Steelers should have fired Tomlin (who couldn’t coach his way out of a wet paper bag) and Colbert when they had the chance and promoted Bruce Arians to head coach. Arians showed last year why he is a superior coach to Tomlin. Having a really good QB and wide receivers to work with also means nothing. He’ll do the same in Arizona this year with whatever he is given. He is that good.
The sky is falling. The Steelers will be terrible for the next decade, fighting it out with the Browns for the #3 spot in the AFCN. And this is all because they ignored my ideas for the last few years. I put them out in black and white on a few chat boards that I know for a fact they read to get ideas and they ignored them.
4-12 next season. Mark it down. You heard it here first.
If you don’t like what I have to say, don’t read it. See steveo, don’t read, don’t respond. Simple.
I’ll be here asserting my rights to free speech. You can reach me at [email protected].
I’ve got ’em at 11-5 for 2013; Bengals 9-7; Rats 9-7, Browns 8-8
Steelers 10-6 Browns 9-7 wildcard Bengals 9-7 Ravens 8-8
The email address at the end of steveo’s post makes it pretty obvious.
If all input is considered, the average fan expects the Bengals to take the division, with the Steelers right behind. However if the input of jagoffs is discarded, the order of finish is reversed. Nobody predicts the defending Super Bowl champions to reach double digit wins, much less take the division or the Super Bowl.
6-10 if the trend of injuries since 2010 continues otherwise 8-8. The two players that I thought were the most important to keep were Lewis and Allen. Not only were they signed to completely affordable contracts they weren’t even negotiated with. The trend has been remarkably bad for three years (player evaluation i.e. J. Scott, Will Allen v Ryan Mundy, Farrior’s last year v Foote, Special Teams, play of wrs,etc.) with the Front Office and Mike Tomlin asleep at the wheel with Assistant Coaches as well. Sadly we are destined for 7-9 to 10-6 and one and done for the rest of BR’s prime and career. Will Allen’s departure and his subsequent interview even made it more obvious that we should have kept him. Just think he was on the roster for three years and Ryan Mundy got all that “playing time” instead. How many games right there did that cost us? People making these decisions are still making them so how do people think that anything will change unless its pure luck. Ozzie Newsome and Harbaugh (whom I hate) but objectively speaking are light years ahead of us in their organization. I do think that we have lost some scouts or replaced scouts which is still an “organizational” issue. Not since the 80s have I cared more about my baseball team than my beloved Steelers and that is saying something. The only positive was getting rid of MW. Otherwise this is as bad as the 2008 draft (their player personell decisions) IMO. BTW last year people keep talking about well if we do this we win this game, etc. well has anyone accounted for the fact that Shaun Shuisham missed ONE FG ATTEMPT last year? What happens when he is human and hits say 80%? Another is the obvious fact that anyone that knows football realizes that Drew Butler was awful when he needed to be good. His final stats don’t reflect it but the fact that the Steelers didn’t seem alarmed during the season and now the offseason only furthers my point that this team is really lacking in basic evaluation of their team compared to other SB contenders (which they think they are).
Pre draft
Steelers 11-5
Ravens 9-7
Bengals 9-7
Browns 7-9
Steeler 2-14
The Steeler QB is a franchise player being paid $10m a year. Why are they paying a franchise QB $10m a year to have a coach call his plays from the sidelines? Ben is 1,000 times much more capable and qualified to call his own plays! If needed he can receive plays from the sidelines; just like Brady, Manning and other franchise QB’s do. Sportscasters need to address this problem during the Tomlin hour & during their news hour. Hopefully, the Rooney’s will stop this embarrassment of their star franchise QB being kicked around like a school kid rather than utilizing him as the franchise player they’re paying an enormous amount of money for to win games. This will not resolve the whole problem the Steelers are facing because of a “POOR” head coach immediately, but this one problem MUST be addressed immediately if they want to avoid a 2-14 or a 0-16 season this year.