Comfort Food in Trying Times

This entry was posted by on Saturday, 21 September, 2013 at

Here are some factoids to make you smile in these sometimes dark days. Which is the best team since the 1970 AFL-NFL merger? (Data as of March 2012)

Most Wins – Steelers 429, Cowboys 413, Dolphins 405

Most Losses – Lions 390, Cardinals 384, Bengals 369

Highest Winning Percentage – Steelers .613, Dolphins .590, Cowboys .589

Most Regular Season Wins – Steelers 396, Dolphins 385, Cowboys 381

Most Playoff Berths – Steelers 26, Cowboys 26, Vikings 24

Most Division Titles – Steelers 20, 49ers 18, Cowboys 18

Most Playoff Wins – Steelers 33, Cowboys 32, 49ers 26

Most Super Bowl Appearances – Steelers 8, Cowboys 8, Patriots 7

Most Super Bowl Wins – Steelers 6, Cowboys 5, 49ers 4, Giants 4

Ratio of 5 or fewer losses vs 5 or fewer wins: Steelers 9.5, Dolphins 9, Vikings 4.67

Most All-Pros: 49ers 72, Steelers 69, Vikings 66

Most Winning Seasons: Steelers 31, Cowboys 30, Dolphins 29

Fewest Coaching Changes: Texans 1 (10 years), Steelers 2 (42 years), Ravens 2 (16 years) – next best for full 42 years is Cowboys with 7

Most Coaching Changes: Browns 15, Colts 15, Jets 15

Playoff wins in AFC Central: Steelers 33, others 27 (31 after last season)

3 Responses to “Comfort Food in Trying Times”

  1. Avatar photo mack

    I’ve been busy with a death in the family, but I did register here and plan to use , and I think I have many months left on PG+ and I won’t pay $10 and I can. Not the new up date information I thought we would get. I like the chatting except those extra long ones–I go to sleep during all that wording and repetition of those words day after day. The old Baptist proverb “be brief brother be brief” is good for chats. Go Steelers!!!!

  2. Avatar photo mack

    HELP: I typed the above over in the chat box, but in my limited knowledge of computers I could find the right send key!! HELP

    • Avatar photo copanut

      Mack, there is no Send key in the chat. Just press Enter or Return on your keyboard.

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