Romo Roethlisberger Realities
It’s easy to rip on Romo. Lord knows, any good Steelers fan despises anything having to do with the Dallas Cowboys. But in the wake of Romo’s recent epic game and epic choke, the point was made that Romo never comes through in the clutch. The statistics seem to show otherwise, and I’d enjoy hearing arguments on this question.
Ben started his career with an unbelievable run, including five 4th quarter comebacks (4QC) and six game winning drives (GWD). He’s also had many amazing comebacks and drives since then, including many postseason stunners. But what has he done lately? In 2011 he had one 4QC and 1 GWD. Last year he had two 4QD and three GWD. So far this year, of course, he’s on a pace for zero and zero. (Roethlisberger GWDs)
In 2011, Romo had four 4QC and four GWD. Last year he had five of each. (Romo GWDs)
Maybe two years don’t make a trend, but in a league that craves instant gratification, the trend cannot be ignored.
Certainly the ability of the QB to mount heroic drives is not on the QB alone. He needs to have reliable targets who get open and go after the pass, and he needs to have at least a modicum of blocking assistance. Even so, as Ben would be the first to admit, he’s got to find a way to engineer 4th quarter drives without all the fumbles, picks, and overthrows we’ve been witnessing for the past couple of years.
Would I take Romo over Roethlisberger? No way, absolutely not. I know Ben can do it and hope he will get the mojo back. But if you look at the stats alone, he seems to have hit a ceiling.
Now, where did I put that asbestos suit?

Romo vs Roethlisberger
i dont know how u cant factor in the drop in talent as a reason to explain the lack of comebacks. not only is his line consistently the worst in the league, along with a defense that is one of the worst in the league at creating a short field with turnovers and i say its a credit to BR that we have been in the games we have been to even allow for him to “not get it done”.. nobody seems to realize how hard it is to make these magical plays when u cant even trust your line ON A 3 STEP DROP? anyone see how Peyton reacts with just a little bit of pressure in the playoffs? imagine him continually getting pounded with our line and see what he would do?
I didn’t realize we could respond to these posts. Thanks for pointing it out, Malsor.
Maybe you missed this part: “Certainly the ability of the QB to mount heroic drives is not on the QB alone. He needs to have reliable targets who get open and go after the pass, and he needs to have at least a modicum of blocking assistance.”
Regardless, there is a large and growing body of data points to look at here. It’s definitely not all Ben’s fault, as I’ve stated pretty clearly, but I think it’s getting increasingly difficult to absolve him of all responsibility while simultaneously disparaging other quarterbacks.
copa, i’m trying to use a qualifiable variable here which is not quantifiable. i didnt miss any part. my point is that after years of the same problems with the line how can u expect the same performance unless he is a robot. as an athlete my confidence is EVERYTHING. i never played qb in organized sports but in my other athletics i cant imagine having to rely on somebody else to do their job in order for me to do mine. after so many years u think he shouldnt be affected mentally? maybe u didnt read this,”anyone see how peyton manning reacts in the playoffs when pressured?” he cant last one friggin game. imagine three years in a row what he is reduced to. its the psychological part.. ok now my dodgers are blowing because i am typing this, later..
well i should say “do their job for my personal safety”. ok now i’m gone..
Dez Bryant dwarfs any receiver Ben has ever had. His O-Line is horrible. NOW, his running game is non existent. Only one QB could keep us in games and that is Ben.
Two years ago he had both Wallace and Ward, and some beefy guys on the OL, and yet only one GWD. That same crew managed four GWDs the year before that, even though Ben had three fewer starts. That’s a decline from one in three games to one in fifteen in one season with a near identical roster and coaching staff.
After that magical “First Tier QBs” group of Ben, Rodgers, Peyton, Breese and Brady, I think Tony Romo is near the top of the next grouping.
He would be if not for the fact that for every good to great game that he has, he also has a catastrophic mistake that costs his team the game. There is ALWAYS a caveat with Romo. He’s really good but…. Or he’s a consistent choker but he actually keeps his team in games; right up until chokes and gives the game away..AGAIN.