Please, Act Like You’ve Been There Before

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 15 October, 2013 at


Emanuel Sanders Flips Out (source: Steelers Depot)


(Animation removed so steelerfan58 doesn’t barf.)

4 Responses to “Please, Act Like You’ve Been There Before”

  1. Avatar photo abennihana

    Two big thumbs up for this one.

  2. Avatar photo mack

    AMEN, Copanut, can’t these coaches get thru to these players. They will get hurt and still want pd.

  3. Avatar photo JAMESH

    I don’t understand why the coaches have permitted the showboating for as long as they have. I think once the season starts I would sit the entire team down and show them nothing but one hour’s film of Walter Payton handing the ball to the ref after scoring a TD. Being a consummate professional has a greater psychological effect on an opponent than displays of bush league immaturity.

  4. Tuskegee_Brown

    I think the problems lies in the fact that he has only been there (endzone) 6 times his entire career so he doesn’t know how to “act”

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