One Giant Leap for Steel Kind

This entry was posted by on Sunday, 20 October, 2013 at

Even when he whiffs, Troy makes the opposition think, always goes all out, and entertains us.

I’m sorry, but this just cracks me up and I need to post it again, this time as an animated GIF courtesy of Steelers Depot. In the not too distant future, Troy will be a fond and fading memory, and we need to enjoy this lunatic while we still can.


6 Responses to “One Giant Leap for Steel Kind”

  1. Avatar photo JAMESH

    The Flyin’ Hawaiian

  2. Avatar photo ChicoSteelersFan

    Not to be a Debbie downer and I love Troy but I can’t think of many splash or impact plays that he’s had this year. He use to always get picks and forced fumbles, but nothing. It seems like a lot of running around but not much results. He’s carrying a big salary around for the lack of big plays. I guess there’s time and maybe they will come soon.

    • Avatar photo copanut

      Troy has been a force, IMHO. The lack of picks is more of a reflection on a somewhat anemic pass rush. But he’s been generally disruptive all season. I will have to go back and watch the tape, but I remember a couple of stellar plays in the backfield today and one monster hit that in many cases would have resulted in a fumble.

  3. Avatar photo JAMESH

    Chico, remember that professor LeBeau is using him much differently this year. Troy is playing more effectively than he has in a couple of years and even the opponents’ perception of the threat of Troy in itself is disrupting.

  4. Avatar photo ChicoSteelersFan

    Good points guys perhaps I’m being to hard on Troy, it just seems something’s missing with the eyeball test.

  5. Avatar photo JAMESH

    For the first second or two, with all the players motionless except Troy, it looks PhotoShopped.

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