Sound Off Down Temporarily

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 7 January, 2014 at

Sorry guys… we’re working on it. Please check back later.

If you’re curious, apparently our site was under automated attack and so the hosting company shut down part of it. Getting them to bring it back up is taking longer than I would like.

Meantime, post comments here.

11 Responses to “Sound Off Down Temporarily”

  1. Avatar photo copanut

    But in the meantime you can comment here!

  2. Avatar photo abennihana

    Wah wah wah………

    • Avatar photo abennihana

      I blame the Pirates.

  3. saneman

    How dare you not fix this for all the money we are paying for this site!!!!!. Damn, I will go back to PG+ instead of paying zero dollars here.

    • Avatar photo copanut

      It’s tough to compete with a non-existent web site. Kind of like the Steelers playing against the Browns.

  4. Avatar photo EstimatedProphet

    Just curious, was it your site or the Quick Chat folks that were attacked? There have been a lot of DDOS attacks lately.

    • Avatar photo copanut

      If the information from the NOC is accurate, it was an automated attack on the login page. Their solution was to disable a php file that impacted several components of the site, but most notably Quick Chat.

      I’ve implemented a captcha and other mechanisms to try to deter these scum.

      • Avatar photo abennihana

        Probably dirty hippies that think they’re fighting the man.

        Oh wait, we have some of those on the board don’t we? Well, I don’t mean you guys.

        • Avatar photo EstimatedProphet

          Actually DDOS and Brute Force logins are usually perpetrated by losers who still live in their parents basements. We may have a few of those on here too, though I would hope not.

          • Avatar photo copanut

            Perhaps the same douchbag who downvoted this post…? 🙂

  5. Avatar photo kalel1199

    oh good, i thought it was me

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