One Fine Morning with Le Backfield
[With respect to Mssrs Marin and Chong…]
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: It’s me, LeGarrette, open up, man, I got the stuff
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: It’s me, LeGarrette, man, open up, I got the stuff
Reefer: Who?
Blount: It’s, LeGarrette, man, open up, I think the cops saw me comin’ here
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: It’s, it’s LeGarrette, man, will you open up? I got the stuff with me
Reefer: Who?
Blount: LeGarrette, man, open up
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Ya, LeGarrette, c’mon, man, open up, I think the cops saw me
Reefer: LeGarrette’s not here
Blount: No, man, I’m LeGarrette, man
Reefer: Hey, c’mon, man. Who is it?
Blount: It’s LeGarrette, man, will you open up? I got the stuff with me
Reefer: Who?
Blount: LeGarrette, man, open up
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Ya, LeGarrette
Reefer: LeGarrette’s not here
Blount: No, man, I am LeGarrette, man, will you? C’mon, open up the door, will you? I got the stuff with me, I think the cops saw me
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: Oh, what the hell is it c’mon open up the door, it’s LeGarrette
Reefer: Who?
Blount: LeGarrette, L E G A R R E T T E, will you open up the goddamn door?
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Ya, LeGarrette
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Right, man, LeGarrette, now will you open up the door?
Reefer: LeGarrette’s not here
Blount: Oh!
You left out LeGarrette’s not here.
What’re you smokin’, dude? That line is in there twice.
Maybe if I had been smokin’ I would have slowed down and read the post more carefully.