Depth Chart is below. Take a look at post your predicted cuts in the comments.

This entry was posted by on Thursday, 3 September, 2015 at

This year brings back memories of Chuck Noll and this quote:

“Cutting won’t be a problem. Stopping will.”

You have to cut 22 players. Bell & Bryant will be suspended, so you’re down to 20. One of the punters is gone. Pick one and you’re down to 19. Pouncey has to be on the roster for one day, so he counts. CFT still sucks almost as much as NASCAR, but he’ll probably make the team.

5 Responses to “Depth Chart is below. Take a look at post your predicted cuts in the comments.”

  1. Avatar photo copanut

    I suppose it would be cheating to say Ben + AB + 51 coin flips.

  2. Avatar photo copanut

    Alright, here are my cuts.

    Shakim Philips (PS) +
    Jawon Chisolm +
    Chris Hubbard –
    Reese Dismukes +
    Mitchel Van Dyk +
    Kevin Palmer +
    Roosevelt Nix –
    Ethan Hemer +
    Matt Conrath +
    Mike Thornton +
    LJ Fort +
    Howard Jones +
    Shayon Green +
    Kevin Fogg + (PS)
    Gerod Holliman +
    Alden Darby + (PS)
    Brad Wing + TRADED
    Tyler Murphy – (PS)
    Joran Dangerfield +
    Jarrod West +

    I don’t actually believe Archer will be cut (+) even though he should. I hate keeping Landry or Effin, but they seem to be untouchable (ALSO CORRECT).

    • Avatar photo abennihana

      Misses: CUT RB Josh Harris, OL B.J. Finney, OL Doug Legursky, CB B.W. Webb

  3. Avatar photo abennihana

    Getting to 53 from 75:
    Bell and Bryant go on suspended list.
    Wing gets cut + (TRADED) in favor of Berry
    WR: Jarrod West +, Shakim Phillips + (PS), Tyler Murphy – (PS)
    OT: Kevin Palmer +, Mitchell Van Dyk +
    C/OG: Reese Dismukes +, BJ Finney +(PS)
    RB: Jawon Chisolm +
    FB: Roosevelt Nix –

    DE: Matt Conrath +, Ethan Hemer + (PS)
    NT: Mike Thornton + (PS)
    OLB: Shayon Green + (PS), Howard Jones
    ILB: LJ Fort +
    CB: BW Webb +
    S: Jordan Dangerfield +, Gerod Holliman + (PS), Alden Darby + (PS)

    • Avatar photo abennihana

      Misses: CUT RB Josh Harris, OL Doug Legursky, CB Kevin Fogg

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