Helmet to Helmet Hit?
Diminutive Andrew Hawkins unfortunately got his clock cleaned in a block by Jarvis Jones as Hawkins was moving to tackle Mike Mitchell following his interception of a Johnny Manziel pass. It has been suggested that the hit was an illegal helmet to helmet hit by Jones but that is difficult to confirm from game film. In the first image below, Jones is heading toward Hawkins to make the block. In the second image, Hawkins has reacted by bending down and attempting to dodge the hit. His helmet is below Jones’ head. In image 3 Jones appears to strike Hawkins’ head with his arm as his momentum carries him up and over the sinking Hawkins as seen in image 4. Hopefully Hawkins is alright but this does not appear to be an illegal or unfair hit as opposed to the expected result when a 6’4″ linebacker hits a 5’7″ receiver at full speed, as one and a half seasons of Dri Archer can attest.