Stumble, fall, then stand
Welcome to the offseason
Hope springs from the draft
Looking back at our predictions for 2013, I think we can say we’re pretty smart, but not as smart as we like to think.
As a group, we picked the Bengals to take the division, followed by the Steelers, the Ravens, and the Browns. We nailed that one.
Our individual results were not so accurate, however.
Nobody picked the Steelers to finish 8-8. Nobody. Given that we like to think of ourselves as Steelers experts, clearly we’re a bit deluded about that. The closest were bills and jeffmi who picked the Steelers to go 7-9. [Edit: it seems that malsor did make an accurate prediction of 8-8 although it was late and therefore not in my summary table. However, he only gets partial credit for victory because he also predicted 6-10, plus a whole bunch of other stuff of mixed accuracy, depending on this and that and the other thing. Next time, the rule will be to go with one prediction and one only.]
One person, mwalsh, accurately predicted the Bengals to finish at 11-5.
Four people accurately predicted that the Ravens would end up at 8-8: copanut (I blush), steeltyke, mack, and tompaulbillybob.
Nobody accurately predicted the Browns would win only 4 games. The closest were jamesh and steeltyke who picked them to win 6.
Let’s see if we can do better for 2014. The early betting line has the Steelers going 19-0, baby.
These are some of the best things about the 2013 season:
Some other things for which I am grateful:
What did you think was the best thing emerging from this season? Vote below. If you have other items to add, please post a comment.
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Just to be sure we’re all on the same page, here is the breakdown of tomorrow’s sixth seed possibilities. In short, the Steelers need the end result of the day to be a five-way tie at 8-8. That sounds bad (and it is), but none of the four contenders control their own destiny. (While the Jets could match the records of the four contenders, they have no tiebreaker path to the playoffs, thus they will be playing the role of spoiler and playing for the life of their coach.)
Source: BleacherReport
We may not be able to enjoy watching Troy Polamalu for much longer, so it’s important to not take him for granted. I believe there has never been anyone quite like him and probably never will be again.
This play from the Cleveland game is a case in point. Most guys act in one role per play. Once that role becomes irrelevant to the play, they stop and just let the play unfold. The better players make a mid-play adjustment based on the action, and those adjustments are often the source of notable plays. A playmaker is a guy who can make an adjustment in the middle of game action to take advantage of the prevailing situation in real time. But here, we see Troy play five different roles in one play. That means he makes four adjustments in a matter of seconds, turning a busted defensive play into something special.
As the play initiates, he is anticipating a run and tries to blitz a gap on the Browns right side. His guess is wrong, as the run is to the left side and the right side gap closes immediately. An ordinary player in this position would continue to push in vain at the offensive line and end up hopelessly irrelevant to the game action. Not so with Polamalu. Almost before your eyes can figure out what is going on, suddenly Troy magically appears three yards back on the left side where he actually has to wait for the runner to smack into him. Troy makes the tackle which is already a great play, but that’s not enough. He then adjusts again and goes for the strip, successfully forcing a fumble. And again, before the brain of a normal human can even tell what’s happening, Troy adjusts one more time, now scooping up the ball at the instant that it is floating free on the other side of the runner. This is just an astonishing display of a combination of crazy athletic ability with an incredible football sixth sense.
Seriously, often he makes his teammates and opponents look like amateurs playing a different sport.
(Thanks to SteelersDepot for the animated GIF).