When will they ever learn?
[With respect to Mssrs Marin and Chong…]
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: It’s me, LeGarrette, open up, man, I got the stuff
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: It’s me, LeGarrette, man, open up, I got the stuff
Reefer: Who?
Blount: It’s, LeGarrette, man, open up, I think the cops saw me comin’ here
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: It’s, it’s LeGarrette, man, will you open up? I got the stuff with me
Reefer: Who?
Blount: LeGarrette, man, open up
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Ya, LeGarrette, c’mon, man, open up, I think the cops saw me
Reefer: LeGarrette’s not here
Blount: No, man, I’m LeGarrette, man
Reefer: Hey, c’mon, man. Who is it?
Blount: It’s LeGarrette, man, will you open up? I got the stuff with me
Reefer: Who?
Blount: LeGarrette, man, open up
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Ya, LeGarrette
Reefer: LeGarrette’s not here
Blount: No, man, I am LeGarrette, man, will you? C’mon, open up the door, will you? I got the stuff with me, I think the cops saw me
Reefer: Who is it?
Blount: Oh, what the hell is it c’mon open up the door, it’s LeGarrette
Reefer: Who?
Blount: LeGarrette, L E G A R R E T T E, will you open up the goddamn door?
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Ya, LeGarrette
Reefer: LeGarrette?
Blount: Right, man, LeGarrette, now will you open up the door?
Reefer: LeGarrette’s not here
Blount: Oh!
I’m tossed up on which two of these photos represent twins separated at birth. Any opinions?
By special request, the photo in this article has been moved below the fold. If you want to see Johnny in his glory, click the link below. Meanwhile, here is a placeholder:
This is Steve on game day one Sunday last September. If you look closely a caption on the cover reads, “The Savvy Girls Guide to Football”. Steve is from the Erie area, but now lives in Portland, OR. If you are, or know anyone, from Erie, please pass this along to everyone in the community and let them know how badly Steve is letting them down.