Concerned as I am about the sensitivity of our readers, I present the following “too hot to handle” image. Click “Read the Rest of this Entry” down below. Enjoy.
Concerned as I am about the sensitivity of our readers, I present the following “too hot to handle” image. Click “Read the Rest of this Entry” down below. Enjoy.
“Watch God work! What the devil meant for evil God will turn it around. The fight for right has just began. Stay tuned.”
Ok, this is the part where I get up on my soap box and piss some of you off and then send Jason “Chico and The Man” off on a rant.
Whether you are religious or not, and I am, you have to see the absolute hypocrisy, not to mention douchebaggery, in trying to use the “God is on my side” Defense for any episode for which you are criticized, much less one for which you are being investigated criminally and have been fired for.
What you are basically saying is, “I don’t have a salient argument to defend what I have done, so I am going to tell you that you are wrong and that I don’t have to listen to you because I believe that what I did was right. Further, since you disagree with me, you are a part of the problem. I will disregard what you have to say and do everything in my power to render your views completely irrelevant. Because, while they might make sense if I actually stopped to consider them, they also contradict my own views and I’m too small minded to consider the possibility that I could be wrong.”
This one situation is a microcosm of what is wrong with our society right now. From a political and social standpoint, we figuratively run around with our fingers in our ears yelling, “Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, I’m not listening to you!” anytime someone says something we disagree with. This doesn’t even touch on the fact that most religious people don’t try to hide behind their religion when they’ve acted badly because they know it’s hypocritical and sends the wrong message to people who are inherently distrustful and intolerant of organized religion.
And I also posted it just because Deion Sanders is a F%^king Jagoff.
Proud Rugby Goons