What if you looked at the Steelers depth chart from a slightly different standpoint? What if it included expiring contracts?
Would it change your perspective on where the Steelers should direct their attention 1st this offseason?
A snap shot of the Steelers current depth chart, along with notations on contracts slated to expire in the next 14 months appears above. Players marked with # are scheduled to be UFAs in 2017. I did not include players due to be restricted or exclusive rights free agents at the end of 2016.
People are visual by nature. When you look at the depth chart this way it, rather than just considering where you may believe the team needs improvement, it becomes clear where the Steelers personnel priorities lie before free agency and the draft. Whatever moves the Steelers make must take into consideration expiring contracts.
If you leave those places on the depth chart blank, where a UFA occupies that spot, it becomes even more clear.
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